console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680598952390 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680598952396 Marionette INFO Listening on port 57183
Read port: 57183
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680598952552 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile0kknYa\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm, line 106: Error: Could not get children of file(C:\Users\radvanyi\AppData\Local\Temp\rust_mozprofile0kknYa\thumbnails) because it does not exist
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm, line 106: Error: Could not get children of file(C:\Users\radvanyi\AppData\Local\Temp\rust_mozprofile0kknYa\thumbnails) because it does not exist
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm, line 106: Error: Could not get children of file(C:\Users\radvanyi\AppData\Local\Temp\rust_mozprofile0kknYa\thumbnails) because it does not exist
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm, line 106: Error: Could not get children of file(C:\Users\radvanyi\AppData\Local\Temp\rust_mozprofile0kknYa\thumbnails) because it does not exist
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm, line 106: Error: Could not get children of file(C:\Users\radvanyi\AppData\Local\Temp\rust_mozprofile0kknYa\thumbnails) because it does not exist
new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileGSLE8m\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm, line 106: Error: Could not get children of file(C:\Users\radvanyi\AppData\Local\Temp\rust_mozprofileGSLE8m\thumbnails) because it does not exist
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm, line 106: Error: Could not get children of file(C:\Users\radvanyi\AppData\Local\Temp\rust_mozprofileGSLE8m\thumbnails) because it does not exist
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm, line 106: Error: Could not get children of file(C:\Users\radvanyi\AppData\Local\Temp\rust_mozprofileGSLE8m\thumbnails) because it does not exist
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm, line 106: Error: Could not get children of file(C:\Users\radvanyi\AppData\Local\Temp\rust_mozprofileGSLE8m\thumbnails) because it does not exist
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm, line 106: Error: Could not get children of file(C:\Users\radvanyi\AppData\Local\Temp\rust_mozprofileGSLE8m\thumbnails) because it does not exist
zlz4", (void 0)))
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
1680599342819 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 57421680599344291 mozrunner::runner INFO Running command: "C:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe" "--marionette" "--headless" "--remote-debugging-port" "575 ... "--remote-allow-hosts" "localhost" "-no-remote" "-profile" "C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileFIEh9J"
*** You are running in headless mode.
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680599344665 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680599344672 Marionette INFO Listening on port 57590
Read port: 57590
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680599344851 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileFIEh9J\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
1680599371761 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 57590
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680599374947 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680599378359 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680599378363 Marionette INFO Listening on port 57676
Read port: 57676
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680599378504 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileDmHkdY\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm, line 106: Error: Could not get children of file(C:\Users\radvanyi\AppData\Local\Temp\rust_mozprofileDmHkdY\thumbnails) because it does not exist
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm, line 106: Error: Could not get children of file(C:\Users\radvanyi\AppData\Local\Temp\rust_mozprofileDmHkdY\thumbnails) because it does not exist
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm, line 106: Error: Could not get children of file(C:\Users\radvanyi\AppData\Local\Temp\rust_mozprofileDmHkdY\thumbnails) because it does not exist
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm, line 106: Error: Could not get children of file(C:\Users\radvanyi\AppData\Local\Temp\rust_mozprofileDmHkdY\thumbnails) because it does not exist
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm, line 106: Error: Could not get children of file(C:\Users\radvanyi\AppData\Local\Temp\rust_mozprofileDmHkdY\thumbnails) because it does not exist
Exiting due to channel error.
tening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
1680599436862 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 57767
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680599440364 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680599443996 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680599444007 Marionette INFO Listening on port 57869
Read port: 57869
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680599444292 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilebqYmuH\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680599455839 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 57869
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680599458411 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680599461781 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680599461786 Marionette INFO Listening on port 57948
Read port: 57948
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680599461983 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofiletXv2br\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680600227412 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 57948
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
!!! error running onStopped callback: TypeError: callback is not a function
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680599541241 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680599541248 Marionette INFO Listening on port 58058
Read port: 58058
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680599541454 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile5ve8Nm\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680600226543 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 58058
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680599655082 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680599655087 Marionette INFO Listening on port 58168
Read port: 58168
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680599655278 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilehueQqO\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
1680599680933 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 58168
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
[Parent 26756, IPC I/O Parent] WARNING: DuplicateHandle failed for handle 0 in TransferHandles: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/ipc/chromium/src/chrome/common/
1680599684525 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680599687879 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680599687884 Marionette INFO Listening on port 58258
Read port: 58258
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680599688078 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilevatD71\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680599699867 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 58258
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680599702425 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680599705776 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680599705781 Marionette INFO Listening on port 58343
Read port: 58343
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680599705961 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilejpZAG2\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680599718080 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 58343
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680599860233 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680599863614 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680599863619 Marionette INFO Listening on port 58510
Read port: 58510
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680599863744 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileLxKpDp\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
1680599894086 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 58510
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680599897048 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680599900407 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680599900412 Marionette INFO Listening on port 58605
Read port: 58605
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680599900534 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofiles7EWoZ\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm, line 106: Error: Could not get children of file(C:\Users\radvanyi\AppData\Local\Temp\rust_mozprofiles7EWoZ\thumbnails) because it does not exist
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm, line 106: Error: Could not get children of file(C:\Users\radvanyi\AppData\Local\Temp\rust_mozprofiles7EWoZ\thumbnails) because it does not exist
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm, line 106: Error: Could not get children of file(C:\Users\radvanyi\AppData\Local\Temp\rust_mozprofiles7EWoZ\thumbnails) because it does not exist
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm, line 106: Error: Could not get children of file(C:\Users\radvanyi\AppData\Local\Temp\rust_mozprofiles7EWoZ\thumbnails) because it does not exist
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm, line 106: Error: Could not get children of file(C:\Users\radvanyi\AppData\Local\Temp\rust_mozprofiles7EWoZ\thumbnails) because it does not exist
new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile2TlcJK\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm, line 106: Error: Could not get children of file(C:\Users\radvanyi\AppData\Local\Temp\rust_mozprofile2TlcJK\thumbnails) because it does not exist
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm, line 106: Error: Could not get children of file(C:\Users\radvanyi\AppData\Local\Temp\rust_mozprofile2TlcJK\thumbnails) because it does not exist
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm, line 106: Error: Could not get children of file(C:\Users\radvanyi\AppData\Local\Temp\rust_mozprofile2TlcJK\thumbnails) because it does not exist
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm, line 106: Error: Could not get children of file(C:\Users\radvanyi\AppData\Local\Temp\rust_mozprofile2TlcJK\thumbnails) because it does not exist
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm, line 106: Error: Could not get children of file(C:\Users\radvanyi\AppData\Local\Temp\rust_mozprofile2TlcJK\thumbnails) because it does not exist
zlz4", (void 0)))
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680600225586 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 58813
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680600230422 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680600233800 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680600233805 Marionette INFO Listening on port 58910
Read port: 58910
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680600233941 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofiletvvTHI\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
1680600262790 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 58910
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680600265713 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680600269088 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680600269093 Marionette INFO Listening on port 58994
Read port: 58994
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680600269221 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilemybwcI\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680600285484 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 58994
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680600286543 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680600289977 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680600289982 Marionette INFO Listening on port 59075
Read port: 59075
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680600290131 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileF8G4Br\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680600307093 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 59075
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680604255168 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680604258600 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680604258606 Marionette INFO Listening on port 63796
Read port: 63796
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680604258739 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilemw9cC0\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
1680604286813 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 63796
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680604289789 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680604293178 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680604293183 Marionette INFO Listening on port 63883
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
Read port: 63883
1680604293408 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileRqOs0F\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680604307925 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 63883
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680604308795 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680604312207 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680604312212 Marionette INFO Listening on port 63962
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
Read port: 63962
1680604312451 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile6qFwJW\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680604327274 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 63962
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680604558072 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680604561481 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680604561487 Marionette INFO Listening on port 64184
Read port: 64184
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680604561656 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilesHaa6p\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680604768755 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680604772132 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680604772137 Marionette INFO Listening on port 64315
Read port: 64315
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680604772258 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile2XC84v\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680604788735 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 64315
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680604789641 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680604793028 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680604793032 Marionette INFO Listening on port 64389
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
Read port: 64389
1680604793254 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile7GbMOw\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680604810637 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 64389
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680604811563 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680604814938 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680604814942 Marionette INFO Listening on port 64469
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
Read port: 64469
1680604815176 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile9Cf5om\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680604837120 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 64469
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680604838005 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680604841336 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680604841341 Marionette INFO Listening on port 64549
Read port: 64549
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680604841466 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileLsgmah\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680604855591 Marionette WARN TimedPromise timed out after 500 ms: stacktrace:
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680604861079 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 64549
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680604862031 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680604865400 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680604865404 Marionette INFO Listening on port 64625
Read port: 64625
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680604865529 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileyiJxgY\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680604881348 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 64625
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680604882220 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680604885609 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680604885613 Marionette INFO Listening on port 64699
Read port: 64699
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680604885735 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileg0b9MV\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680604896818 Marionette WARN TimedPromise timed out after 500 ms: stacktrace:
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680604901975 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 64699
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680604902853 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680604906185 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680604906190 Marionette INFO Listening on port 64775
Read port: 64775
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680604906375 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileBZp1HT\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680604917366 Marionette WARN TimedPromise timed out after 500 ms: stacktrace:
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680604923128 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 64775
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680604924040 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680604927412 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680604927416 Marionette INFO Listening on port 64851
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
Read port: 64851
1680604927650 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileaa1es1\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680604953320 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 64851
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680604954237 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680604957572 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680604957577 Marionette INFO Listening on port 64941
Read port: 64941
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680604957711 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileJj1D8B\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680604975893 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 64941
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680604976767 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680604980102 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680604980107 Marionette INFO Listening on port 65016
Read port: 65016
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680604980232 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile6u1iTl\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680604991546 Marionette WARN TimedPromise timed out after 500 ms: stacktrace:
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680604997163 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 65016
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680604998097 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680605001461 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680605001466 Marionette INFO Listening on port 65094
Read port: 65094
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680605001598 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileKpIOHd\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680605017671 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 65094
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680605018682 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680605022017 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680605022021 Marionette INFO Listening on port 65167
Read port: 65167
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680605022146 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile9tIGRn\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680605033924 Marionette WARN TimedPromise timed out after 500 ms: stacktrace:
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680605039323 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 65167
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680605040205 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680605043561 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680605043566 Marionette INFO Listening on port 65241
Read port: 65241
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680605043691 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilenVBtcM\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680605054619 Marionette WARN TimedPromise timed out after 500 ms: stacktrace:
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680605060040 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 65241
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680605068925 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680605072284 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680605072289 Marionette INFO Listening on port 65325
Read port: 65325
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680605072408 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile0Tekdk\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680605086147 Marionette WARN TimedPromise timed out after 500 ms: stacktrace:
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680605091008 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 65325
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680605091936 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680605095294 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680605095299 Marionette INFO Listening on port 65402
Read port: 65402
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680605095433 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileXxWOt0\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680605111666 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 65402
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680605112668 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680605116014 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680605116018 Marionette INFO Listening on port 65477
Read port: 65477
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680605116151 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilevwdsa3\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680605133795 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 65477
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680605134667 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680605138013 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680605138019 Marionette INFO Listening on port 49167
Read port: 49167
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680605138147 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileVgzUWA\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680605151033 Marionette WARN TimedPromise timed out after 500 ms: stacktrace:
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680605156448 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 49167
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680605157418 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680605160787 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680605160794 Marionette INFO Listening on port 49243
Read port: 49243
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680605160940 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilepCVKAR\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680605179047 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 49243
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680605180020 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680605183383 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680605183388 Marionette INFO Listening on port 49319
Read port: 49319
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680605183513 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileSXYmn4\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680605210349 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 49319
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680605211293 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680605214652 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680605214657 Marionette INFO Listening on port 49410
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
Read port: 49410
1680605214898 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileQ8yuuI\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680605232490 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 49410
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680605233383 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680605236720 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680605236724 Marionette INFO Listening on port 49494
Read port: 49494
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680605236856 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileKdqFQf\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680605258702 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 49494
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680605260271 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680605263673 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680605263679 Marionette INFO Listening on port 49643
Read port: 49643
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680605263850 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileACxv1J\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680605280940 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 49643
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680605285189 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680605285193 Marionette INFO Listening on port 49738
Read port: 49738
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680605285319 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileF00Me2\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680605303612 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 49738
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680605304536 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680605307889 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680605307894 Marionette INFO Listening on port 49821
Read port: 49821
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680605308059 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileGELCgE\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680605326692 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 49821
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680605336150 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680605339566 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680605339572 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50079
Read port: 50079
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680605339710 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileaY6Xvb\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680605358883 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50079
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680605359873 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680605363254 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680605363259 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50164
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
Read port: 50164
1680605363498 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileDBrzSB\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680605379725 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50164
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680605380666 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680605384014 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680605384018 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50256
Read port: 50256
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680605384140 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileFEUIUW\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680605400195 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50256
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680605401077 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680605404417 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680605404421 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50335
Read port: 50335
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680605404545 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile67bsgQ\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680605420968 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50335
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680605421895 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680605425256 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680605425261 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50412
Read port: 50412
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680605425398 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilevLempK\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680605442446 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50412
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680605443436 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680605446801 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680605446806 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50487
Read port: 50487
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680605446938 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileAIfslB\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680605473644 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50487
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680605474613 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680605477968 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680605477974 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50575
Read port: 50575
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680605478095 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilemrcLhE\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680605495329 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50575
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680605496230 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680605499618 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680605499622 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50656
Read port: 50656
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680605499747 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileTsvOi2\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680605516150 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50656
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680605517058 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680605520466 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680605520471 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50738
Read port: 50738
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1680605520632 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofiledZFWRs\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680605536857 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50738
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1680605864582 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680605867946 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680605867951 Marionette INFO Listening on port 51019
Read port:
1680605867952 geckodriver::browser WARN Failed fo convert to u16
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
Read port: 51019
1680605868202 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilec35QEk\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm, line 106: Error: Could not get children of file(C:\Users\radvanyi\AppData\Local\Temp\rust_mozprofilec35QEk\thumbnails) because it does not exist
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm, line 106: Error: Could not get children of file(C:\Users\radvanyi\AppData\Local\Temp\rust_mozprofilec35QEk\thumbnails) because it does not exist
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm, line 106: Error: Could not get children of file(C:\Users\radvanyi\AppData\Local\Temp\rust_mozprofilec35QEk\thumbnails) because it does not exist
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm, line 106: Error: Could not get children of file(C:\Users\radvanyi\AppData\Local\Temp\rust_mozprofilec35QEk\thumbnails) because it does not exist
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm, line 106: Error: Could not get children of file(C:\Users\radvanyi\AppData\Local\Temp\rust_mozprofilec35QEk\thumbnails) because it does not exist
new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilecQz0ua\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
1680606547191 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 51159
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1680772947891 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1680772947895 Marionette INFO Listening on port 64173
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
Read port: 64173
1680772948048 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilesDWMVq\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1680772966618 Marionette WARN TimedPromise timed out after 500 ms: stacktrace:
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
1680773896434 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 64173
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681205189555 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681205189560 Marionette INFO Listening on port 56266
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
Read port: 56266
1681205189783 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilewrhxNS\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681205205506 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 56266
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681205206188 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681205209509 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681205209513 Marionette INFO Listening on port 56394
Read port: 56394
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681205209651 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileghxGcI\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681205229030 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 56394
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681205229725 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681205233056 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681205233059 Marionette INFO Listening on port 56481
Read port: 56481
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681205233191 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofiletxI02O\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681205791540 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681205794914 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681205794919 Marionette INFO Listening on port 56887
Read port: 56887
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681205795039 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileAbsgPY\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681205810531 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 56887
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681205811324 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681205814639 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681205814643 Marionette INFO Listening on port 56988
Read port: 56988
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681205814777 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileylrfuJ\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681205834428 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 56988
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681205835201 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681205838508 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681205838512 Marionette INFO Listening on port 57083
Read port: 57083
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681205838641 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilezBLsQW\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681205855130 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 57083
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681205856413 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681205859715 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681205859721 Marionette INFO Listening on port 57170
Read port: 57170
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681205859891 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile4qzIAo\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681205878455 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 57170
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681205885178 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681205888485 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681205888489 Marionette INFO Listening on port 57268
Read port: 57268
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681205888613 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileMBd9Sp\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681205904641 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 57268
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681205905334 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681205908622 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681205908626 Marionette INFO Listening on port 57357
Read port: 57357
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681205908762 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilea7rpi2\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681205927094 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 57357
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681205927779 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681205931087 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681205931091 Marionette INFO Listening on port 57445
Read port: 57445
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681205931212 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileOGzjwa\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681205945045 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 57445
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681205945713 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681205949039 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681205949042 Marionette INFO Listening on port 57520
Read port: 57520
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681205949180 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile3ik1vS\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681205965688 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 57520
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681205966374 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681205969736 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681205969740 Marionette INFO Listening on port 57597
Read port: 57597
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681205969852 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileA7lie2\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681205991214 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 57597
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681205991907 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681205995228 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681205995232 Marionette INFO Listening on port 57689
Read port: 57689
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681205995367 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileM9OQUt\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681206013501 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 57689
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681206014195 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681206017533 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681206017539 Marionette INFO Listening on port 57779
Read port: 57779
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681206017669 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileeKZPIy\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681206031742 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 57779
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681206032411 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681206035733 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681206035737 Marionette INFO Listening on port 57864
Read port: 57864
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681206035868 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile2StXOt\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681206050065 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 57864
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681206050771 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681206054089 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681206054092 Marionette INFO Listening on port 57950
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
Read port: 57950
1681206054281 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileSVGNK8\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681206067655 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 57950
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681206068342 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681206071642 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681206071645 Marionette INFO Listening on port 58141
Read port: 58141
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681206071778 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileqluLRx\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681206096838 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 58141
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681206099576 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681206102909 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681206102913 Marionette INFO Listening on port 58319
Read port: 58319
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681206103051 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilegvQO9A\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681206598437 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681206601772 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681206601776 Marionette INFO Listening on port 58581
Read port: 58581
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681206601903 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile7rG4lJ\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681206622268 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 58581
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681206622964 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681206626273 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681206626277 Marionette INFO Listening on port 58677
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
Read port: 58677
1681206626477 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileLJgct1\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681206643336 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 58677
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681206644079 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681206647383 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681206647387 Marionette INFO Listening on port 58755
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
Read port: 58755
1681206647581 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileSB3uAS\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681206659286 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 58755
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681206659993 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681206663297 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681206663301 Marionette INFO Listening on port 58831
Read port: 58831
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681206663436 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilemu3aav\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681206678773 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 58831
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681206685487 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681206688822 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681206688826 Marionette INFO Listening on port 58927
Read port: 58927
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681206688953 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileGXAudY\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681206705012 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 58927
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681206705677 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681206708987 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681206708991 Marionette INFO Listening on port 59009
Read port: 59009
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681206709120 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileHYe8Wp\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681206724716 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 59009
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681206725396 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681206728683 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681206728687 Marionette INFO Listening on port 59093
Read port: 59093
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681206728813 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileT3cpqt\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681206741191 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 59093
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681206741875 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681206745172 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681206745175 Marionette INFO Listening on port 59171
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
Read port: 59171
1681206745367 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileRgwcbl\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681206760423 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 59171
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681206761107 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681206764443 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681206764447 Marionette INFO Listening on port 59254
Read port: 59254
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681206764567 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileFMVQMe\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681206785152 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 59254
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681206785847 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681206789140 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681206789144 Marionette INFO Listening on port 59341
Read port: 59341
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681206789266 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileOcN9cE\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681206804381 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 59341
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681206805077 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681206808385 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681206808389 Marionette INFO Listening on port 59423
Read port: 59423
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681206808512 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileiWsrAQ\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681206825526 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 59423
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681206826296 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681206829619 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681206829623 Marionette INFO Listening on port 59502
Read port: 59502
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681206829754 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileqXGB5l\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681206844001 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 59502
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681206844684 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681206847980 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681206847984 Marionette INFO Listening on port 59588
Read port: 59588
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681206848113 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile1CNLPI\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681206862332 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 59588
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681206863062 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681206866385 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681206866389 Marionette INFO Listening on port 59678
Read port: 59678
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681206866523 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilebgT7ox\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681206890329 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 59678
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681206893068 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681206896382 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681206896385 Marionette INFO Listening on port 59776
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
Read port: 59776
1681206896590 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilen9j0K9\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681206911479 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 59776
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681206912158 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681206915464 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681206915467 Marionette INFO Listening on port 61270
Read port: 61270
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681206915606 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileIZzvT9\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681206934986 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 61270
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681206935643 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681206938947 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681206938951 Marionette INFO Listening on port 61350
Read port: 61350
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681206939087 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilecYbuNB\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681206950814 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 61350
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681206951506 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681206954826 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681206954830 Marionette INFO Listening on port 61423
Read port: 61423
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681206954963 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileQNg3l8\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681206966724 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 61423
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681206975497 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681206978820 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681206978824 Marionette INFO Listening on port 61512
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
Read port: 61512
1681206979016 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileDJEBcx\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681206990975 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 61512
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681206991697 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681206995041 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681206995045 Marionette INFO Listening on port 61593
Read port: 61593
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681206995168 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileIU5AU2\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681207011535 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 61593
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681207012418 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681207015751 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681207015755 Marionette INFO Listening on port 61681
Read port: 61681
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681207015885 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileM1MljS\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681207029058 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 61681
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681207029725 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681207033022 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681207033026 Marionette INFO Listening on port 61760
Read port: 61760
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681207033154 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilemz8YIP\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681207047393 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 61760
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681207048209 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681207051559 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681207051563 Marionette INFO Listening on port 61842
Read port: 61842
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681207051692 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileNTjIrN\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681207070702 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 61842
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681207071379 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681207074706 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681207074710 Marionette INFO Listening on port 61923
Read port: 61923
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681207074952 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileAO37nb\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681207090843 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 61923
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681207091546 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681207094900 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681207094904 Marionette INFO Listening on port 62007
Read port: 62007
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681207095257 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileW64eY0\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681207109149 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 62007
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681207109859 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681207113201 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681207113205 Marionette INFO Listening on port 62088
Read port: 62088
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681207113334 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileiLMbMM\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681207125789 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 62088
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681207126524 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681207129824 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681207129828 Marionette INFO Listening on port 62163
Read port: 62163
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681207130063 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileAlsJPr\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681207142721 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 62163
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681207143431 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681207146839 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681207146844 Marionette INFO Listening on port 62238
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
Read port: 62238
1681207147068 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileA8MK4Q\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681207160647 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 62238
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681207171552 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681207174826 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681207174830 Marionette INFO Listening on port 62325
Read port: 62325
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681207174978 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileV9YoWu\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681207187813 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 62325
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681207188503 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681207191822 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681207191827 Marionette INFO Listening on port 62398
Read port: 62398
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681207191959 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilef5xMlg\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681208276655 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681208280055 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681208280059 Marionette INFO Listening on port 51770
Read port: 51770
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681208280194 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofiletf4Dys\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681208294609 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 51770
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681208295378 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681208298691 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681208298695 Marionette INFO Listening on port 51850
Read port: 51850
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681208298825 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile9HRfmW\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681208889232 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681208892612 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681208892618 Marionette INFO Listening on port 64768
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
Read port: 64768
1681208892849 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilefICZZg\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681208907370 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 64768
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681208908204 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681208911565 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681208911571 Marionette INFO Listening on port 64848
Read port: 64848
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681208911714 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilecPTUZC\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681208953968 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681208957330 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681208957334 Marionette INFO Listening on port 64940
Read port: 64940
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681208957462 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilexD6HRy\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681208971248 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 64940
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681208972323 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681208975650 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681208975655 Marionette INFO Listening on port 65015
Read port: 65015
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681208975783 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileVt2KLU\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681208991104 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 65015
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681208991910 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681208995193 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681208995197 Marionette INFO Listening on port 65097
Read port: 65097
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681208995321 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileeNQNhj\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209010502 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 65097
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209017314 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209020594 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209020598 Marionette INFO Listening on port 65179
Read port: 65179
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209020721 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileXrSyYA\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209066289 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209069611 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209069616 Marionette INFO Listening on port 65262
Read port: 65262
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209069743 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileOWgbdZ\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209084467 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 65262
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209085199 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209088523 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209088527 Marionette INFO Listening on port 65343
Read port: 65343
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209088659 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileaAAGZX\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209105456 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 65343
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209106178 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209109534 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209109538 Marionette INFO Listening on port 65418
Read port: 65418
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209109654 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilezK4JTo\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209125212 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 65418
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209126046 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209129408 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209129413 Marionette INFO Listening on port 65501
Read port: 65501
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209129533 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilexlzpIj\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209143286 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 65501
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209154165 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209157469 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209157472 Marionette INFO Listening on port 49211
Read port: 49211
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209157623 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileIwZIxb\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209172502 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 49211
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209173182 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209176467 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209176471 Marionette INFO Listening on port 49288
Read port: 49288
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209176597 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileq5ObtN\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209190656 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 49288
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209191392 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209194709 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209194714 Marionette INFO Listening on port 49372
Read port: 49372
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209194862 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileRjl9Ev\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209209226 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 49372
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209210113 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209213494 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209213498 Marionette INFO Listening on port 49524
Read port: 49524
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209213648 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile6HnLH6\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209227979 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 49524
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209228724 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209232027 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209232031 Marionette INFO Listening on port 49598
Read port: 49598
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209232157 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile3PEgUI\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209252015 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 49598
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209252733 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209256012 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209256016 Marionette INFO Listening on port 49695
Read port: 49695
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209256169 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofiletKX1mV\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209272394 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 49695
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209273230 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209276645 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209276649 Marionette INFO Listening on port 49789
Read port: 49789
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209276777 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileAzD1ca\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209291307 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 49789
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209292186 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209295890 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209295896 Marionette INFO Listening on port 49868
Read port: 49868
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209296000 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileyb7sU2\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: Failed to create WebGL context: WebGL is currently disabled.
1681209302512 Marionette WARN TimedPromise timed out after 500 ms: stacktrace:
JavaScript warning:, line 1: Failed to create WebGL context: WebGL is currently disabled.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: Failed to create WebGL context: WebGL is currently disabled.
1681209313464 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 49868
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
WARNING: A blocker encountered an error while we were waiting.
Blocker: Waiting for ping task
Phase: TelemetryController: Waiting for pending ping activity
State: (none)
WARNING: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
WARNING: A blocker encountered an error while we were waiting.
Blocker: Waiting for ping task
Phase: TelemetryController: Waiting for pending ping activity
State: (none)
WARNING: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
WARNING: A blocker encountered an error while we were waiting.
Blocker: Waiting for ping task
Phase: TelemetryController: Waiting for pending ping activity
State: (none)
WARNING: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
WARNING: A blocker encountered an error while we were waiting.
Blocker: TelemetryController: shutting down
Phase: profile-before-change-telemetry
State: Error getting state: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange" at addBlocker@resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs:727:15
WARNING: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
1681209314156 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209317719 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209317723 Marionette INFO Listening on port 49928
Read port: 49928
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209317846 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilepDsUnn\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209339533 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 49928
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209340244 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209343568 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209343572 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50010
Read port: 50010
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209343697 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileQ3ZNHZ\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209350427 Marionette WARN TimedPromise timed out after 500 ms: stacktrace:
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209359042 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50010
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209369821 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209373129 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209373132 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50116
Read port: 50116
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209373280 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileoXA2ak\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209388759 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50116
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209389585 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209393104 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209393110 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50192
Read port: 50192
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209393397 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileoMylBG\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209408247 Marionette WARN TimedPromise timed out after 500 ms: stacktrace:
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209412736 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50192
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209413448 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209417232 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209417237 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50275
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
Read port: 50275
1681209417454 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileXQ94NM\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209424149 Marionette WARN TimedPromise timed out after 500 ms: stacktrace:
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209431489 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50275
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209432207 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209435550 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209435554 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50350
Read port: 50350
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209435697 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileMrivmH\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209452068 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50350
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
!!! error running onStopped callback: TypeError: callback is not a function
1681209460937 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209464247 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209464253 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50435
Read port: 50435
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209464405 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileHJYAcS\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209482893 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50435
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
!!! error running onStopped callback: TypeError: callback is not a function
1681209483633 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209486985 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209486991 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50519
Read port: 50519
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209487121 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilec3YWia\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209505942 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50519
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209506829 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209510184 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209510188 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50104
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
Read port: 50104
1681209510407 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileNwr0Lh\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209516399 Marionette WARN TimedPromise timed out after 500 ms: stacktrace:
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209523606 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50104
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209524531 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209527854 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209527859 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50181
Read port: 50181
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209527986 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileGpymsC\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209540815 Marionette WARN TimedPromise timed out after 500 ms: stacktrace:
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209545524 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50181
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209546365 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209549721 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209549725 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50346
Read port: 50346
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209549892 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileJrffhL\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209571053 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50346
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209571985 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209575311 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209575316 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50593
Read port: 50593
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209575455 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofiletKgMrH\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209597566 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50593
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
!!! error running onStopped callback: TypeError: callback is not a function
1681209598316 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209601685 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209601690 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50684
Read port: 50684
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209601853 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofiletDThif\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209615099 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50684
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209615780 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209619081 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209619084 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50766
Read port: 50766
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209619237 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileOHbEaz\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209635220 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50766
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209635924 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209639234 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209639238 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50843
Read port: 50843
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209639385 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileSC1qMW\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209653196 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50843
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209653876 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209657168 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209657172 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50921
Read port: 50921
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209657324 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileVkXPFi\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209670960 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50921
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209682015 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209685309 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209685313 Marionette INFO Listening on port 51015
Read port: 51015
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209685468 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofiletNJSGa\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209699832 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 51015
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209700554 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209703872 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209703877 Marionette INFO Listening on port 51098
Read port: 51098
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209704040 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileQFV8Iq\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209719352 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 51098
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209720074 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209723378 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209723382 Marionette INFO Listening on port 51183
Read port: 51183
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209723553 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileaiIYqV\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209736329 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 51183
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209737066 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209740379 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209740384 Marionette INFO Listening on port 51261
Read port: 51261
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209740560 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilesxZSiM\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209755944 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 51261
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209764746 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209768239 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209768242 Marionette INFO Listening on port 51356
Read port: 51356
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209768416 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileiyJM7Y\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209782654 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 51356
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209783381 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209786681 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209786686 Marionette INFO Listening on port 51438
Read port: 51438
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209786863 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilePRCAOW\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209800371 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 51438
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209801098 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209804402 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209804406 Marionette INFO Listening on port 51514
Read port: 51514
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209804577 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilenpVHCM\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209818597 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 51514
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209819318 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209822923 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209822927 Marionette INFO Listening on port 51593
Read port: 51593
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209823087 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileQLYbfI\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209840972 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 51593
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209841733 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209845020 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209845024 Marionette INFO Listening on port 51677
Read port: 51677
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209845176 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileGJg2Ps\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209864606 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 51677
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209865342 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209868633 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209868637 Marionette INFO Listening on port 51762
Read port: 51762
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209868803 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilevOONWV\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209885970 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 51762
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209886706 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209889989 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209889993 Marionette INFO Listening on port 51846
Read port: 51846
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209890143 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileuq8Y9v\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209903180 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 51846
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209903910 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209907226 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209907230 Marionette INFO Listening on port 51928
Read port: 51928
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209907366 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilesGIMx4\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209925924 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 51928
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209926653 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209929981 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209929985 Marionette INFO Listening on port 52005
Read port: 52005
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209930128 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileYk7msn\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209946677 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 52005
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209947638 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209950962 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209950967 Marionette INFO Listening on port 52080
Read port: 52080
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209951086 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile6w4rVr\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: Failed to create WebGL context: WebGL is currently disabled.
1681209957035 Marionette WARN TimedPromise timed out after 500 ms: stacktrace:
JavaScript warning:, line 1: Failed to create WebGL context: WebGL is currently disabled.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: Failed to create WebGL context: WebGL is currently disabled.
1681209967368 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 52080
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
WARNING: A blocker encountered an error while we were waiting.
Blocker: Waiting for ping task
Phase: TelemetryController: Waiting for pending ping activity
State: (none)
WARNING: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
WARNING: A blocker encountered an error while we were waiting.
Blocker: Waiting for ping task
Phase: TelemetryController: Waiting for pending ping activity
State: (none)
WARNING: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
WARNING: A blocker encountered an error while we were waiting.
Blocker: Waiting for ping task
Phase: TelemetryController: Waiting for pending ping activity
State: (none)
WARNING: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
WARNING: A blocker encountered an error while we were waiting.
Blocker: TelemetryController: shutting down
Phase: profile-before-change-telemetry
State: Error getting state: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange" at addBlocker@resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs:727:15
WARNING: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
1681209978156 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681209981617 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681209981621 Marionette INFO Listening on port 52146
Read port: 52146
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681209981763 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileuzeKwB\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681209998267 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 52146
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681209999194 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210002516 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210002521 Marionette INFO Listening on port 52222
Read port: 52222
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210002670 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileTJZkiH\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210022012 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 52222
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210022761 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210026058 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210026062 Marionette INFO Listening on port 52305
Read port: 52305
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210026215 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileRzBuW8\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210043914 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 52305
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210044637 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210048203 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210048208 Marionette INFO Listening on port 52381
Read port: 52381
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210048369 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileQd5FSw\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210064977 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 52381
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210065693 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210068993 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210068997 Marionette INFO Listening on port 52458
Read port: 52458
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210069154 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile5O4Pxw\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210075833 Marionette WARN TimedPromise timed out after 500 ms: stacktrace:
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210083112 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 52458
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210083824 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210087122 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210087126 Marionette INFO Listening on port 52546
Read port: 52546
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210087290 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileltC6Er\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210105284 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 52546
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210106224 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210110021 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210110025 Marionette INFO Listening on port 52628
Read port: 52628
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210110193 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileUPmLqx\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210127043 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 52628
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210127789 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210131109 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210131113 Marionette INFO Listening on port 52706
Read port: 52706
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210131284 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileysYO4z\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210150785 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 52706
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210151602 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210154898 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210154905 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50837
Read port: 50837
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210155062 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofiled9ytVi\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210170590 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50837
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210171304 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210174592 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210174596 Marionette INFO Listening on port 61779
Read port: 61779
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210174717 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile3ufF0q\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: Failed to create WebGL context: WebGL is currently disabled.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: Failed to create WebGL context: WebGL is currently disabled.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: Failed to create WebGL context: WebGL is currently disabled.
1681210192634 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 61779
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
WARNING: A blocker encountered an error while we were waiting.
Blocker: Waiting for ping task
Phase: TelemetryController: Waiting for pending ping activity
State: (none)
WARNING: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
WARNING: A blocker encountered an error while we were waiting.
Blocker: Waiting for ping task
Phase: TelemetryController: Waiting for pending ping activity
State: (none)
WARNING: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
WARNING: A blocker encountered an error while we were waiting.
Blocker: Waiting for ping task
Phase: TelemetryController: Waiting for pending ping activity
State: (none)
WARNING: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
WARNING: A blocker encountered an error while we were waiting.
Blocker: TelemetryController: shutting down
Phase: profile-before-change-telemetry
State: Error getting state: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange" at addBlocker@resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs:727:15
WARNING: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
1681210203469 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210206839 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210206844 Marionette INFO Listening on port 61856
Read port: 61856
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210206998 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilewECckV\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210223392 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 61856
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210224200 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210227505 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210227509 Marionette INFO Listening on port 61936
Read port: 61936
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210227667 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileN4g7s8\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210245476 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 61936
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210246227 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210249534 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210249538 Marionette INFO Listening on port 62025
Read port: 62025
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210249686 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile1SXnuU\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210263246 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 62025
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210263957 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210267257 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210267261 Marionette INFO Listening on port 62105
Read port: 62105
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210267386 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilejpJ4CX\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210281396 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 62105
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210290396 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210293751 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210293756 Marionette INFO Listening on port 62198
Read port: 62198
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210293886 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile3d8htw\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210301714 Marionette WARN TimedPromise timed out after 500 ms: stacktrace:
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210309561 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 62198
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210310249 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210313535 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210313539 Marionette INFO Listening on port 62278
Read port: 62278
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210313675 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile7dII0w\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210330058 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 62278
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210330789 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210334100 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210334104 Marionette INFO Listening on port 62371
Read port: 62371
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210334256 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileZwSa2P\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210346565 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 62371
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210347402 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210351025 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210351029 Marionette INFO Listening on port 62447
Read port: 62447
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210351155 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileGtCKnE\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210364991 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 62447
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210365832 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210369522 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210369526 Marionette INFO Listening on port 62534
Read port: 62534
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210369656 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilehAbHad\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210387940 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 62534
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210388773 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210392110 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210392114 Marionette INFO Listening on port 62622
Read port: 62622
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210392239 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile21jXqr\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210411376 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 62622
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210412325 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210415595 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210415599 Marionette INFO Listening on port 62704
Read port: 62704
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210415723 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilePPhlOz\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210429631 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 62704
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210430615 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210434125 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210434129 Marionette INFO Listening on port 62781
Read port: 62781
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210434262 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileWcCBAR\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210447533 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 62781
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210448238 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210451578 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210451582 Marionette INFO Listening on port 62861
Read port: 62861
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210451701 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilehPDLPY\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210470255 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 62861
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210470955 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210474268 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210474272 Marionette INFO Listening on port 62945
Read port: 62945
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210474405 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilePJLHhV\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210488071 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 62945
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210498912 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210502251 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210502255 Marionette INFO Listening on port 63037
Read port: 63037
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210502399 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilePPVHdp\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210515360 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 63037
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210516075 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210519376 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210519380 Marionette INFO Listening on port 63118
Read port: 63118
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210519507 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileVRTWXS\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210538651 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 63118
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210539356 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210542655 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210542659 Marionette INFO Listening on port 63206
Read port: 63206
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210542792 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileZkFNdp\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210557503 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 63206
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210558204 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210561805 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210561809 Marionette INFO Listening on port 63287
Read port: 63287
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210562035 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileX5ZNix\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210577181 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 63287
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210577954 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210581619 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210581622 Marionette INFO Listening on port 63371
Read port: 63371
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210581763 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileB9Wtch\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210601390 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 63371
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210602094 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210605389 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210605392 Marionette INFO Listening on port 63468
Read port: 63468
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210605518 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileUK9c9Q\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210624280 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 63468
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210624985 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210628285 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210628289 Marionette INFO Listening on port 63557
Read port: 63557
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210628432 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilepAKNH6\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210640567 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 63557
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210641315 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210644621 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210644625 Marionette INFO Listening on port 63636
Read port: 63636
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210644752 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilebHKJwJ\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210661433 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 63636
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210662189 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210665478 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210665482 Marionette INFO Listening on port 63717
Read port: 63717
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210665614 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileYNxjBk\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210677907 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 63717
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210678640 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210682069 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210682073 Marionette INFO Listening on port 63803
Read port: 63803
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210682202 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileJBLd0B\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210695320 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 63803
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210706384 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210709684 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210709688 Marionette INFO Listening on port 63894
Read port: 63894
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210709816 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileiEdO1g\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210725863 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 63894
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210726577 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210729972 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210729976 Marionette INFO Listening on port 63976
Read port: 63976
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210730107 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilefWPXn7\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210742963 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 63976
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210743689 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210747005 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210747009 Marionette INFO Listening on port 64054
Read port: 64054
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210747131 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileHCZFnB\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210761042 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 64054
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210761733 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210765045 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210765048 Marionette INFO Listening on port 64131
Read port: 64131
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210765183 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile5HVYSw\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210781275 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 64131
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210790506 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210794063 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210794068 Marionette INFO Listening on port 64217
Read port: 64217
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210794195 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile2bUYxF\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210812264 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 64217
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210812967 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210816448 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210816452 Marionette INFO Listening on port 64296
Read port: 64296
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210816578 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile6g0lpl\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210835357 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 64296
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210836084 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210839422 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210839428 Marionette INFO Listening on port 64375
Read port: 64375
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210839574 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileL1PR87\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210854773 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 64375
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210855528 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210858843 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210858847 Marionette INFO Listening on port 64455
Read port: 64455
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210858976 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile8PbWcu\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210875066 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 64455
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210875834 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210879142 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210879146 Marionette INFO Listening on port 64535
Read port: 64535
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210879283 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileza7W5P\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210898270 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 64535
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210898969 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210902277 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210902281 Marionette INFO Listening on port 64693
Read port: 64693
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210902408 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileqgplzM\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210921798 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 64693
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210922499 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210925840 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210925844 Marionette INFO Listening on port 64781
Read port: 64781
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210925985 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofiled1aiEq\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210939087 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 64781
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681210939793 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210943129 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210943133 Marionette INFO Listening on port 64863
Read port: 64863
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210943269 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileTnDPEN\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681210986281 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681210990071 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681210990075 Marionette INFO Listening on port 64955
Read port: 64955
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681210990239 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileDnSl3o\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211003999 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 64955
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
!!! error running onStopped callback: TypeError: callback is not a function
1681211004998 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211008401 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211008407 Marionette INFO Listening on port 65029
Read port: 65029
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211008565 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileRHRujk\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211033872 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 65029
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211036887 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211040497 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211040502 Marionette INFO Listening on port 65119
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
Read port: 65119
1681211040713 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileXdy4bo\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211053329 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 65119
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211054273 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211057632 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211057636 Marionette INFO Listening on port 65204
Read port: 65204
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211057852 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileXGheqQ\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211071888 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 65204
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211072612 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211075901 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211075905 Marionette INFO Listening on port 65281
Read port: 65281
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211076044 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile2vPPg1\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211088342 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 65281
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211089178 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211092513 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211092517 Marionette INFO Listening on port 65360
Read port: 65360
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211092647 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileZPe5dh\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211143844 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211147141 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211147146 Marionette INFO Listening on port 65471
Read port: 65471
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211147278 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileUypgQq\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211162592 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 65471
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211163342 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211166689 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211166693 Marionette INFO Listening on port 49187
Read port: 49187
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211166805 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile94tNHW\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211179714 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 49187
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211180436 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211183801 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211183805 Marionette INFO Listening on port 49274
Read port: 49274
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211183925 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileUmpdoR\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211196802 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 49274
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211197471 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211200970 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211200974 Marionette INFO Listening on port 49353
Read port: 49353
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211201102 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileCvCzm3\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211214735 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 49353
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211215707 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211219036 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211219040 Marionette INFO Listening on port 49518
Read port: 49518
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211219163 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilecu87Bd\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211242573 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 49518
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211243280 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211246650 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211246656 Marionette INFO Listening on port 49615
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
Read port: 49615
1681211246953 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilep3X7Ux\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211288479 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211291814 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211291822 Marionette INFO Listening on port 49724
Read port: 49724
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211292031 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilexzUccJ\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211307627 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 49724
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211308534 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211311837 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211311841 Marionette INFO Listening on port 49802
Read port: 49802
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211311962 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofiletH6Ynd\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211328629 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 49802
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211329520 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211332833 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211332837 Marionette INFO Listening on port 49882
Read port: 49882
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211332952 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileA2tfQt\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211347189 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 49882
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211347907 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211351236 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211351240 Marionette INFO Listening on port 49975
Read port: 49975
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211351380 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilebLPsGE\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211365791 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 49975
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211377550 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211381078 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211381083 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50066
Read port: 50066
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211381206 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilei1XCMF\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211393709 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50066
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211394431 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211397755 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211397760 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50153
Read port: 50153
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211397888 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileagVeXb\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211412756 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50153
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211413583 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211416855 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211416859 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50239
Read port: 50239
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211416990 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofiletzhh46\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211433350 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50239
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211434196 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211437483 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211437487 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50318
Read port: 50318
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211437635 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile10Awtb\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211451878 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50318
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211460569 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211463893 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211463897 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50415
Read port: 50415
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211464021 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileXH1KUZ\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211478583 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50415
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211479411 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211482723 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211482728 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50500
Read port: 50500
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211482856 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileawFTIh\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211497067 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50500
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211497794 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211501109 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211501113 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50595
Read port: 50595
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211501247 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileEoXa6C\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211516602 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50595
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211517575 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211520884 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211520890 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50672
Read port: 50672
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211521013 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileiP5zFF\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211534019 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50672
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211534957 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211538683 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211538688 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50756
Read port: 50756
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211538870 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilepW9oS2\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211563248 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50756
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
!!! error running onStopped callback: TypeError: callback is not a function
1681211564681 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211568542 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211568547 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50909
Read port: 50909
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211568708 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilelwvwfp\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211584240 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50909
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211584963 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211588309 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211588313 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50996
Read port: 50996
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211588463 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileQmkSlO\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211601781 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 50996
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211602483 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211605780 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211605784 Marionette INFO Listening on port 51083
Read port: 51083
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211605931 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile9is7lJ\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211619061 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 51083
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211619944 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211623279 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211623284 Marionette INFO Listening on port 51164
Read port: 51164
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211623462 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilexGwYl3\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211636828 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 51164
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
!!! error running onStopped callback: TypeError: callback is not a function
1681211638199 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211642033 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211642041 Marionette INFO Listening on port 51261
Read port: 51261
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211642324 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile9c2e0Y\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211668555 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 51261
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211671464 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211674913 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211674919 Marionette INFO Listening on port 51365
Read port: 51365
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211675100 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile0UbaQW\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211688527 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 51365
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211689565 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211692922 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211692926 Marionette INFO Listening on port 51448
Read port: 51448
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211693070 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileevCIL2\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211708737 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 51448
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211709459 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211712815 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211712819 Marionette INFO Listening on port 51532
Read port: 51532
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211712955 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileZArFo7\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: Failed to create WebGL context: WebGL is currently disabled.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: Failed to create WebGL context: WebGL is currently disabled.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: Failed to create WebGL context: WebGL is currently disabled.
1681211726892 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 51532
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
WARNING: A blocker encountered an error while we were waiting.
Blocker: Waiting for ping task
Phase: TelemetryController: Waiting for pending ping activity
State: (none)
WARNING: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
WARNING: A blocker encountered an error while we were waiting.
Blocker: Waiting for ping task
Phase: TelemetryController: Waiting for pending ping activity
State: (none)
WARNING: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
WARNING: A blocker encountered an error while we were waiting.
Blocker: Waiting for ping task
Phase: TelemetryController: Waiting for pending ping activity
State: (none)
WARNING: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
WARNING: A blocker encountered an error while we were waiting.
Blocker: TelemetryController: shutting down
Phase: profile-before-change-telemetry
State: Error getting state: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange" at addBlocker@resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs:727:15
WARNING: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
1681211727609 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211730943 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211730947 Marionette INFO Listening on port 51600
Read port: 51600
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211731112 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilejkEHK7\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211744570 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 51600
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211753432 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211756802 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211756806 Marionette INFO Listening on port 51692
Read port: 51692
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211756984 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileA6Pk7s\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211769064 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 51692
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211769949 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211773301 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211773306 Marionette INFO Listening on port 51775
Read port: 51775
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211773462 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileIFJi9L\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211791006 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 51775
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211791768 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211795117 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211795120 Marionette INFO Listening on port 51858
Read port: 51858
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211795278 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile2OL6UF\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211807740 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 51858
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211808454 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211811919 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211811924 Marionette INFO Listening on port 51939
Read port: 51939
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211812119 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileEcW0Qz\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211827928 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 51939
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211828641 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211831990 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211831994 Marionette INFO Listening on port 52026
Read port: 52026
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211832136 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileLz7Z8C\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211853266 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 52026
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211854030 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211857327 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211857331 Marionette INFO Listening on port 52114
Read port: 52114
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211857475 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilem5QARw\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211872647 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 52114
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211873356 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211876694 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211876698 Marionette INFO Listening on port 52190
Read port: 52190
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211876845 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilesFhcs9\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211889736 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 52190
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211890450 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211893788 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211893794 Marionette INFO Listening on port 52266
Read port: 52266
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211893964 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileSlD8WP\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211908115 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 52266
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
!!! error running onStopped callback: TypeError: callback is not a function
1681211909026 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211912380 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211912384 Marionette INFO Listening on port 52345
Read port: 52345
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211912564 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileZAMB9t\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211930203 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 52345
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211931085 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211934398 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211934402 Marionette INFO Listening on port 52513
Read port: 52513
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211934557 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile5eV48h\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211951939 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 52513
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211962872 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211966163 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211966166 Marionette INFO Listening on port 52612
Read port: 52612
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211966318 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileS1U1wA\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681211982666 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 52612
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681211983505 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681211986839 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681211986843 Marionette INFO Listening on port 52694
Read port: 52694
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681211987007 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileAGShhp\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212000787 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 52694
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212001521 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212005220 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212005225 Marionette INFO Listening on port 52773
Read port: 52773
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212005384 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileFxEdNc\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212023828 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 52773
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212028057 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212028060 Marionette INFO Listening on port 52930
Read port: 52930
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212028225 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilevkZ8eE\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212051359 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 52930
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212060729 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212064397 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212064403 Marionette INFO Listening on port 53028
Read port: 53028
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212064594 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilew6ZrWm\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212079976 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 53028
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212080835 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212084137 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212084141 Marionette INFO Listening on port 53112
Read port: 53112
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212084295 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileadeB4Y\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212101953 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 53112
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
!!! error running onStopped callback: TypeError: callback is not a function
1681212103035 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212106373 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212106378 Marionette INFO Listening on port 53198
Read port: 53198
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212106525 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileGacbK1\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212121191 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 53198
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212121898 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212125237 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212125242 Marionette INFO Listening on port 53275
Read port: 53275
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212125391 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileJv8qJq\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212142145 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 53275
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212142879 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212146206 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212146211 Marionette INFO Listening on port 53360
Read port: 53360
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212146384 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile73TMJ6\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212165508 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 53360
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212166219 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212169521 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212169527 Marionette INFO Listening on port 53448
Read port: 53448
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212169717 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilera9jeX\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212185912 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 53448
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212186641 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212189963 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212189967 Marionette INFO Listening on port 53197
Read port: 53197
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212190127 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile67BPW5\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212203154 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 53197
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212203991 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212207315 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212207320 Marionette INFO Listening on port 53430
Read port: 53430
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212207478 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileRrGAxd\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212223037 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 53430
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212223829 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212227137 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212227142 Marionette INFO Listening on port 53566
Read port: 53566
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212227303 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile88UuaL\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212233353 Marionette WARN TimedPromise timed out after 500 ms: stacktrace:
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212241005 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 53566
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212241712 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212245502 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212245507 Marionette INFO Listening on port 53649
Read port: 53649
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212245665 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilejp3SEb\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212259629 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 53649
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212271291 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212274615 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212274620 Marionette INFO Listening on port 53745
Read port: 53745
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212274782 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileS4CegU\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212280925 Marionette WARN TimedPromise timed out after 500 ms: stacktrace:
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212287586 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 53745
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212288284 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212291566 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212291570 Marionette INFO Listening on port 53823
Read port: 53823
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212291720 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileP82xpO\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212308050 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 53823
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212308817 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212312124 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212312129 Marionette INFO Listening on port 53903
Read port: 53903
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212312272 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilevvCPQ8\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212327320 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 53903
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212328120 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212331403 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212331407 Marionette INFO Listening on port 53989
Read port: 53989
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212331568 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilekGqAh6\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212345110 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 53989
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212354794 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212358089 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212358093 Marionette INFO Listening on port 54081
Read port: 54081
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212358256 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilexxcHsa\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212364173 Marionette WARN TimedPromise timed out after 500 ms: stacktrace:
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212371360 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 54081
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212372055 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212375347 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212375351 Marionette INFO Listening on port 54157
Read port: 54157
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212375500 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilenAaAjW\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212388442 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 54157
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212389178 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212392471 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212392475 Marionette INFO Listening on port 54234
Read port: 54234
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212392625 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileIVuYxF\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212410138 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 54234
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212410849 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212414448 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212414451 Marionette INFO Listening on port 54322
Read port: 54322
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212414607 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilekGGDi3\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212429244 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 54322
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212429931 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212433254 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212433258 Marionette INFO Listening on port 54400
Read port: 54400
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212433416 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileGdmAXb\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212439175 Marionette WARN TimedPromise timed out after 500 ms: stacktrace:
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212447138 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 54400
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212447837 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212451119 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212451123 Marionette INFO Listening on port 54479
Read port: 54479
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212451247 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilekiH8Pr\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: Failed to create WebGL context: WebGL is currently disabled.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: Failed to create WebGL context: WebGL is currently disabled.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: Failed to create WebGL context: WebGL is currently disabled.
1681212466230 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 54479
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
WARNING: A blocker encountered an error while we were waiting.
Blocker: Waiting for ping task
Phase: TelemetryController: Waiting for pending ping activity
State: (none)
WARNING: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
WARNING: A blocker encountered an error while we were waiting.
Blocker: Waiting for ping task
Phase: TelemetryController: Waiting for pending ping activity
State: (none)
WARNING: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
WARNING: A blocker encountered an error while we were waiting.
Blocker: Waiting for ping task
Phase: TelemetryController: Waiting for pending ping activity
State: (none)
WARNING: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
WARNING: A blocker encountered an error while we were waiting.
Blocker: TelemetryController: shutting down
Phase: profile-before-change-telemetry
State: Error getting state: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange" at addBlocker@resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs:727:15
WARNING: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
1681212466889 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212470367 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212470372 Marionette INFO Listening on port 54542
Read port: 54542
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212470533 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilegJ5lm8\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212485969 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 54542
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212486672 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212489963 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212489968 Marionette INFO Listening on port 54623
Read port: 54623
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212490122 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile1vbGBZ\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212509012 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 54623
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212511762 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212515077 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212515081 Marionette INFO Listening on port 54712
Read port: 54712
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212515244 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileZ05mnH\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212527857 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 54712
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212528557 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212531847 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212531852 Marionette INFO Listening on port 54790
Read port: 54790
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212531977 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileT1mPWO\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: Failed to create WebGL context: WebGL is currently disabled.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: Failed to create WebGL context: WebGL is currently disabled.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: Failed to create WebGL context: WebGL is currently disabled.
1681212550495 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 54790
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
WARNING: A blocker encountered an error while we were waiting.
Blocker: Waiting for ping task
Phase: TelemetryController: Waiting for pending ping activity
State: (none)
WARNING: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
WARNING: A blocker encountered an error while we were waiting.
Blocker: Waiting for ping task
Phase: TelemetryController: Waiting for pending ping activity
State: (none)
WARNING: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
WARNING: A blocker encountered an error while we were waiting.
Blocker: Waiting for ping task
Phase: TelemetryController: Waiting for pending ping activity
State: (none)
WARNING: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
WARNING: A blocker encountered an error while we were waiting.
Blocker: TelemetryController: shutting down
Phase: profile-before-change-telemetry
State: Error getting state: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange" at addBlocker@resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs:727:15
WARNING: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs, line 727: Error: Phase "profile-before-change" is finished, it is too late to register completion condition "OS.File: flush I/O queued before profileBeforeChange"
1681212551161 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212554452 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212554457 Marionette INFO Listening on port 54858
Read port: 54858
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212554605 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile8bjyAS\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212567937 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 54858
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212568632 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212571923 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212571927 Marionette INFO Listening on port 54937
Read port: 54937
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212572098 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofiley1lYeQ\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212619302 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212622577 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212622581 Marionette INFO Listening on port 55029
Read port: 55029
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212622728 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilekr1y9Q\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212638543 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 55029
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212639232 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212642867 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212642871 Marionette INFO Listening on port 55107
Read port: 55107
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212643023 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileXw7uA2\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212684406 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212687727 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212687732 Marionette INFO Listening on port 55185
Read port: 55185
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212687868 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilewXgr5k\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212701862 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 55185
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212702818 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212706534 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212706539 Marionette INFO Listening on port 55321
Read port: 55321
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212706747 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileWE1nh8\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212721885 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 55321
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212722594 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212725925 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212725929 Marionette INFO Listening on port 60278
Read port: 60278
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212726056 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileqTllzE\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212744381 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 60278
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212745088 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212748765 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212748770 Marionette INFO Listening on port 60369
Read port: 60369
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212748918 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileXTLIOd\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212763313 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 60369
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212764253 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212767544 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212767548 Marionette INFO Listening on port 60452
Read port: 60452
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212767674 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilePemYe2\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212783038 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 60452
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212783746 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212787053 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212787058 Marionette INFO Listening on port 60533
Read port: 60533
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212787188 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileq2Fw16\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212800740 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 60533
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212801524 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212804949 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212804954 Marionette INFO Listening on port 60606
Read port: 60606
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212805140 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile453M91\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212821021 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 60606
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212821937 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212825858 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212825863 Marionette INFO Listening on port 60695
Read port: 60695
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212826087 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilediyfFl\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212841128 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 60695
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212852713 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212856008 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212856012 Marionette INFO Listening on port 60785
Read port: 60785
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212856141 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileFhdS8i\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212869216 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 60785
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212869997 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212873292 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212873296 Marionette INFO Listening on port 60859
Read port: 60859
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212873424 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileouY0Kf\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212888987 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 60859
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212889694 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212893009 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212893014 Marionette INFO Listening on port 60944
Read port: 60944
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212893143 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileBjW35R\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212906646 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 60944
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212907635 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212910909 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212910913 Marionette INFO Listening on port 61026
Read port: 61026
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212911046 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileuCbbva\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212931758 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 61026
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212932446 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212936109 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212936113 Marionette INFO Listening on port 61105
Read port: 61105
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212936234 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileWCvpT4\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212951647 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 61105
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212952516 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212956342 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212956347 Marionette INFO Listening on port 61189
Read port: 61189
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212956498 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilehnHpAQ\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212973470 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 61189
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212974198 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212977523 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212977527 Marionette INFO Listening on port 61271
Read port: 61271
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212977653 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileI5Gl1u\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681212994327 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 61271
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681212995049 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681212998326 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681212998330 Marionette INFO Listening on port 61356
Read port: 61356
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681212998461 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilenOQnOL\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213011102 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 61356
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213011951 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213015226 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213015230 Marionette INFO Listening on port 61436
Read port: 61436
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213015371 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilelFdDnb\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213032108 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 61436
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213032855 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213036284 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213036288 Marionette INFO Listening on port 61523
Read port: 61523
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213036448 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileeCl7TS\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213053575 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 61523
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213064418 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213067682 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213067686 Marionette INFO Listening on port 61615
Read port: 61615
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213067854 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileUEiDcE\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213084724 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 61615
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
!!! error running onStopped callback: TypeError: callback is not a function
1681213085461 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213089132 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213089136 Marionette INFO Listening on port 61696
Read port: 61696
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213089294 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileJXn203\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213102816 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 61696
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213103522 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213106829 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213106833 Marionette INFO Listening on port 61770
Read port: 61770
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213106987 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileARUnUv\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213118952 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 61770
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213119668 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213122983 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213122988 Marionette INFO Listening on port 61847
Read port: 61847
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213123149 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilejtpCE8\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213138804 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 61847
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213147571 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213150960 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213150964 Marionette INFO Listening on port 61933
Read port: 61933
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213151128 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilefi68lQ\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213167474 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 61933
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213168216 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213171498 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213171502 Marionette INFO Listening on port 62011
Read port: 62011
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213171664 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilePUm7Gf\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213185183 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 62011
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213185934 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213189224 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213189228 Marionette INFO Listening on port 62090
Read port: 62090
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213189391 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileaAvVe3\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213207798 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 62090
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213208617 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213211899 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213211903 Marionette INFO Listening on port 62170
Read port: 62170
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213212064 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileRGPtjB\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213229856 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 62170
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
!!! error running onStopped callback: TypeError: callback is not a function
1681213230721 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213234067 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213234071 Marionette INFO Listening on port 62258
Read port: 62258
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213234238 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofiletw0Pnj\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213254636 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 62258
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
!!! error running onStopped callback: TypeError: callback is not a function
1681213255467 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213258839 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213258843 Marionette INFO Listening on port 62343
Read port:
1681213258845 geckodriver::browser WARN Failed fo convert to u16
Read port: 62343
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213259021 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile4FtzSR\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213277824 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 62343
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213278988 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213282534 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213282539 Marionette INFO Listening on port 62465
Read port: 62465
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213282703 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilee05zSB\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213296836 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 62465
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213297549 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213300842 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213300846 Marionette INFO Listening on port 62548
Read port: 62548
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213301010 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile2RrPEi\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213317098 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 62548
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213317779 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213321070 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213321074 Marionette INFO Listening on port 62635
Read port: 62635
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213321240 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileQByefA\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213334305 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 62635
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213335823 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213339135 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213339139 Marionette INFO Listening on port 62733
Read port: 62733
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213339293 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileEgd1PF\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213352994 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 62733
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213364136 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213367438 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213367442 Marionette INFO Listening on port 62822
Read port: 62822
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213367609 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilePy9HBv\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213382818 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 62822
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213383896 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213387447 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213387452 Marionette INFO Listening on port 57665
Read port: 57665
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213387613 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilesCdAop\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213401212 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 57665
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213401947 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213405255 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213405258 Marionette INFO Listening on port 57741
Read port: 57741
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213405409 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileuOJTTx\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213424617 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 57741
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213425364 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213428662 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213428667 Marionette INFO Listening on port 57828
Read port: 57828
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213428814 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilePz9Vf4\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213444641 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 57828
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213445361 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213448999 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213449004 Marionette INFO Listening on port 57903
Read port: 57903
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213449155 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileuqSxkU\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213468071 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 57903
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213468800 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213472110 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213472114 Marionette INFO Listening on port 57995
Read port: 57995
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213472251 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilehmhuoQ\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213489597 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 57995
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213490295 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213493576 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213493579 Marionette INFO Listening on port 58136
Read port: 58136
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213493733 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilehKsk22\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213507550 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 58136
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213508245 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213512083 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213512087 Marionette INFO Listening on port 58296
Read port: 58296
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213512223 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileJUYpjN\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213554913 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213558433 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213558442 Marionette INFO Listening on port 58377
Read port:
1681213558443 geckodriver::browser WARN Failed fo convert to u16
Read port: 58377
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213558658 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofiledF2usQ\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213573252 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 58377
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213574098 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213577425 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213577430 Marionette INFO Listening on port 58457
Read port:
1681213577470 geckodriver::browser WARN Failed fo convert to u16
Read port: 58457
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213577621 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilegP5nPZ\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213592362 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 58457
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213603028 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213606372 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213606376 Marionette INFO Listening on port 58576
Read port: 58576
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213606532 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile8K6oTL\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213620296 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 58576
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213621166 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213624527 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213624531 Marionette INFO Listening on port 58653
Read port: 58653
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213624673 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofiletAGuFE\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213639796 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 58653
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213640689 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213644008 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213644013 Marionette INFO Listening on port 58738
Read port: 58738
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213644177 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileQqbHIz\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213650329 Marionette WARN TimedPromise timed out after 500 ms: stacktrace:
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213657563 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 58738
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213658298 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213661655 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213661660 Marionette INFO Listening on port 58815
Read port: 58815
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213661810 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileNG0fXY\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213683147 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 58815
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213692390 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213695762 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213695768 Marionette INFO Listening on port 58905
Read port: 58905
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213695982 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile0W1KSa\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213710291 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 58905
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213711242 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213714568 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213714574 Marionette INFO Listening on port 58981
Read port: 58981
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213714734 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilekBqfWq\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213726525 Marionette WARN TimedPromise timed out after 500 ms: stacktrace:
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213731118 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 58981
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213731897 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213735189 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213735194 Marionette INFO Listening on port 59060
Read port: 59060
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213735356 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilekEuVAw\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213751415 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 59060
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213752268 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213755600 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213755604 Marionette INFO Listening on port 59137
Read port: 59137
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213755760 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile1TIE0N\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213773155 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 59137
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213774026 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213777360 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213777365 Marionette INFO Listening on port 59215
Read port: 59215
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213777542 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilehVCMld\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213796853 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 59215
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213797666 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213801021 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213801026 Marionette INFO Listening on port 59298
Read port: 59298
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213801187 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileOr15Mh\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213821001 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 59298
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213821961 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213825268 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213825273 Marionette INFO Listening on port 59376
Read port: 59376
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213825439 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileBkMt7S\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213840826 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 59376
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213841611 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213844945 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213844951 Marionette INFO Listening on port 59453
Read port: 59453
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213845112 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilegOUx5V\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213869340 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 59453
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
!!! error running onStopped callback: TypeError: callback is not a function
1681213870266 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213873791 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213873795 Marionette INFO Listening on port 59532
Read port: 59532
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213874031 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileM9Buis\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213880739 Marionette WARN TimedPromise timed out after 500 ms: stacktrace:
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213888457 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 59532
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213889484 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213893087 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213893092 Marionette INFO Listening on port 59606
Read port: 59606
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213893257 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileA55Mol\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213913764 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 59606
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213921660 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213924969 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213924973 Marionette INFO Listening on port 59697
Read port: 59697
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213925132 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileD8bTQE\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213938211 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 59697
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213938927 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213942263 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213942268 Marionette INFO Listening on port 59774
Read port: 59774
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213942425 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofiles2xUYl\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213955232 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 59774
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213955958 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213959463 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213959467 Marionette INFO Listening on port 59855
Read port: 59855
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213959630 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileKnPLsq\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681213974800 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 59855
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681213975589 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681213978900 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681213978904 Marionette INFO Listening on port 59937
Read port: 59937
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681213979065 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilewLmBdN\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681214029307 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681214032693 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681214032699 Marionette INFO Listening on port 60034
Read port: 60034
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681214032889 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilex49H8R\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681214048450 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 60034
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681214049184 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681214052539 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681214052544 Marionette INFO Listening on port 60113
Read port: 60113
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681214052683 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilecmrkuR\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681214066809 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 60113
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681214067641 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681214070989 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681214070995 Marionette INFO Listening on port 60198
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
Read port: 60198
1681214071224 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile09Plx3\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681214084557 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 60198
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
!!! error running onStopped callback: TypeError: callback is not a function
1681214085708 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681214089006 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681214089010 Marionette INFO Listening on port 60280
Read port: 60280
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681214089145 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileRf93oQ\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681214103547 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 60280
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681214104328 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681214107704 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681214107708 Marionette INFO Listening on port 60358
Read port: 60358
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681214107836 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileMuNzBN\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681214135478 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 60358
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681214136302 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681214139631 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681214139636 Marionette INFO Listening on port 60448
Read port: 60448
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681214139789 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile3maGOb\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681214156728 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 60448
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
!!! error running onStopped callback: TypeError: callback is not a function
1681214636549 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681214639875 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681214639879 Marionette INFO Listening on port 51845
Read port: 51845
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681214640020 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileKLI1ix\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681214656849 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 51845
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681214657581 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681214660870 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681214660875 Marionette INFO Listening on port 51927
Read port: 51927
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681214661014 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileG5RiD7\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681214676604 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 51927
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681214684628 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681214684633 Marionette INFO Listening on port 52011
Read port: 52011
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681214684765 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileMFChpm\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681214697203 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 52011
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681214697929 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681214701246 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681214701251 Marionette INFO Listening on port 52091
Read port: 52091
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681214701394 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilendDEdw\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681214716035 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 52091
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681214716791 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681214720124 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681214720128 Marionette INFO Listening on port 52169
Read port: 52169
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681214720259 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilejOcOLp\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681214734503 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 52169
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681214735200 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681214738493 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681214738497 Marionette INFO Listening on port 52249
Read port: 52249
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681214738643 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile5W8Uf0\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681214752714 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 52249
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681214761526 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681214764835 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681214764839 Marionette INFO Listening on port 58998
Read port: 58998
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681214764969 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile062ws5\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681214781504 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 58998
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681214782211 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681214785506 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681214785510 Marionette INFO Listening on port 59095
Read port: 59095
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681214785642 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofile7CUqP6\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681214800402 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 59095
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681214801135 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681214804440 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681214804444 Marionette INFO Listening on port 59172
Read port: 59172
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681214804570 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilehlCqJL\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681214818479 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 59172
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681214819185 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681214822520 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681214822525 Marionette INFO Listening on port 59248
Read port: 59248
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681214822670 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilentRxPy\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681214836287 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 59248
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681214837064 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681214840350 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681214840355 Marionette INFO Listening on port 59328
Read port: 59328
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681214840481 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilec2M1s7\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681214861231 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 59328
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681214862031 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681214865330 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681214865335 Marionette INFO Listening on port 59416
Read port: 59416
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681214865460 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileMvifXu\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681214881226 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 59416
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681214882110 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681214885435 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681214885441 Marionette INFO Listening on port 59494
Read port: 59494
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681214885586 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilecKZgxn\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681214898747 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 59494
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681214899628 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681214902962 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681214902966 Marionette INFO Listening on port 59584
Read port: 59584
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681214903096 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileNefR7n\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681214919360 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 59584
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681214920147 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681214923494 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681214923499 Marionette INFO Listening on port 59672
Read port: 59672
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681214923689 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileXniEQG\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681214938222 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 59672
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681214938960 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681214942343 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681214942348 Marionette INFO Listening on port 59752
Read port: 59752
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681214942481 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileUqDMVf\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681214968683 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 59752
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681214971427 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681214974718 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681214974722 Marionette INFO Listening on port 59846
Read port: 59846
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681214974860 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileMo705o\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681214987872 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 59846
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681214988906 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681214992226 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681214992230 Marionette INFO Listening on port 59926
Read port: 59926
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681214992346 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofiler2WCN5\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681215007522 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 59926
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681215008232 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681215011548 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681215011553 Marionette INFO Listening on port 60014
Read port: 60014
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681215011682 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileyHAEUV\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681215028088 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 60014
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
!!! error running onStopped callback: TypeError: callback is not a function
1681215029724 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681215034000 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681215034012 Marionette INFO Listening on port 60118
Read port: 60118
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681215034200 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileq9oqGS\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.error: (new TypeError("this._searchProviderInfo is null", "resource:///modules/SearchSERPTelemetry.sys.mjs", 468))
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681215057070 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 60118
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
!!! error running onStopped callback: TypeError: callback is not a function
1681215067386 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681215070762 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681215070766 Marionette INFO Listening on port 53096
Read port: 53096
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681215070958 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileE6MCWU\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681215085212 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 53096
Dynamically enable window occlusion 1
1681215086080 geckodriver INFO Listening on
console.warn: services.settings: Ignoring preference override of remote settings server
console.warn: services.settings: Allow by setting MOZ_REMOTE_SETTINGS_DEVTOOLS=1 in the environment
1681215089391 Marionette INFO Marionette enabled
Dynamically enable window occlusion 0
1681215089395 Marionette INFO Listening on port 53179
Read port: 53179
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1681215089579 RemoteAgent WARN TLS certificate errors will be ignored for this session
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at C:\\Users\\radvanyi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofileO5VvBT\\search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
console.error: ({})
DevTools listening on ws://
console.warn: LoginRecipes: "Falling back to a synchronous message for:"
JavaScript warning:, line 1: unreachable code after return statement
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
JavaScript warning:, line 1: WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER.
1681215103773 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 53179